Space Tourism, Space Transport and Space Exploration News
May 10, 2018
Atmospheric seasons could signal alien life

Riverside CA (SPX) May 10, 2018
Dozens of potentially habitable planets have been discovered outside our solar system, and many more are awaiting detection. Is anybody - or anything - there? The hunt for life in these places, which are impossible to visit in person, will begin with a search for biological products in their atmospheres. These atmospheric fingerprints of life, called biosignatures, will be detected using next-generation telescopes that measure the composition of gases surrounding planets that are light years away. ... read more

Take me to the Moon
Bethesda, MD (SPX) May 08, 2018
Last December, President Trump signed the first set of National Space Council recommendations under Space Policy Directive 1. Vice President Pence recently noted that, "We will send American astrona ... more
Dutch astronomers photograph possible toddler planet by chance
Amsterdam, Netherlands (SPX) May 09, 2018
An international team of astronomers headed by Dutch researchers from Leiden University has coincidently found a small companion around the young double star CS Cha. The astronomers examined the dus ... more
Exiled Asteroid Discovered in Outer Reaches of Solar System
Munich, Germany (SPX) May 09, 2018
An international team of astronomers has used ESO telescopes to investigate a relic of the primordial Solar System. The team found that the unusual Kuiper Belt Object 2004 EW95 is a carbon-rich aste ... more
The Cheops ccience instrument arrives in Madrid
Madrid, Spain (ESA) May 04, 2018
Members of the CHEOPS consortium could be proud of their achievement as the science instrument of the upcoming exoplanet mission left Bern on its journey to Madrid last month. The science inst ... more


Previous Issues May 09 May 08 May 07 May 04 May 03

Nanoscale measurements 100x more precise, thanks to improved two-photon technique
Warwick UK (SPX) May 07, 2018
The precision of measuring nanoscopic structures could be substantially improved, thanks to research involving the University of Warwick and QuantIC researchers at the University of Glasgow and Heri ... more
Russian cosmonaut could ride US spacecraft to Moon for first mission
Moscow (Sputnik) May 07, 2018
The first flight of a Russian cosmonaut to the moon could take place aboard of the US Orion spacecraft in 2024, a space industry source told Sputnik on Friday. "Within the framework of talks, ... more
Mars growth stunted by early giant planetary instability
Norman OK (SPX) May 08, 2018
A University of Oklahoma astrophysics team explains why the growth of Mars was stunted by an orbital instability among the outer solar system's giant planets in a new study on the evolution of the y ... more
An Exoplanet Atmosphere Free of Clouds
Exeter UK (SPX) May 08, 2018
Scientists have detected an exoplanet atmosphere that is free of clouds, marking a pivotal breakthrough in the quest for greater understanding of the planets beyond our solar system. An intern ... more
NASA blasts off Mars-bound spaceship, InSight, to study quakes
Vandenberg Air Force Base, United States (AFP) May 5, 2018
NASA on Saturday launched its latest Mars lander, called InSight, designed to perch on the surface and listen for "Marsquakes" ahead of eventual human missions to explore the Red Planet. ... more
24/7 Space News Coverage
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Tech bends light more efficiently, offers wider angles for light input
Raleigh NC (SPX) May 10, 2018
Engineering and physics researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a new technology for steering light that allows for more light input and greater efficiency - a development that ... more
Google pitches artificial intelligence to help unplug
Mountain View, United States (AFP) May 9, 2018
Google unveiled Tuesday an artificial intelligence tool capable of handling routine tasks - such as making restaurant bookings - as a way to help people disconnect from their smartphone screens. ... more
First robotic system plays tic tac toe to improve task performance
New York NY (SPX) May 07, 2018
Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Beer-Sheva, Israel have demonstrated for the first time the feasibility of a robotic system that plays Tic Tac Toe with rehabilitation pa ... more
Microscopic roundabout directs light without a magnet
Washington DC (UPI) May 04, 2018
Circulators direct light on optical chips, a process essential to communication technology. The component relies on a tiny magnet, but miniaturizing magnets is difficult. ... more
Highly elastic biodegradable hydrogel for bioprinting of new tissues
Arlington TX (SPX) May 04, 2018
Researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington have developed a highly elastic biodegradable hydrogel for bio-printing of materials that mimic natural human soft tissues. Bio-printing uses live ... more

Researchers selected to develop novel approaches to lifelong machine learning

One scientist's 30-year quest to get under Mars' skin
Paris (AFP) May 5, 2018
Philippe Lognonne has waited three decades to hear the heartbeat of Mars. ... more
Space News from


InSight probe to survey Mars for secrets inside the planet
Washington DC (UPI) May 04, 2018
As NASA's Insight probe begins its trip to Mars on Saturday, the spacecraft is tasked with studying Mars' insides. But the probe's observations could offer insights into the formation and evolution of all rocky planets, including Earth. ... more
China to Use Soviet Engine to Power Its First Reusable Space Rocket
Moscow (Sputnik) May 07, 2018
China is developing its first space rocket with a reusable first stage that could see its trial launch as early as 2020, SpaceNews reported, citing a senior Chinese rocket designer. Long Lehao ... more
NASA expands plans for Moon exploration
Washington DC (SPX) May 04, 2018
NASA is returning to the Moon with commercial and international partners as part of an overall agency Exploration Campaign in support of Space Policy Directive 1. It all starts with robotic missions ... more
Penn performs first-in-world robot-assisted spinal surgery
Philadelphia PA (SPX) May 04, 2018
Noah Pernikoff is back to his life in New York City after becoming the first patient in the world to undergo a complex three-part, robotic-assisted surgery. The robotic arms made it possible for the ... more
Picking one photon out of the flow
Odense, Denmark (SPX) May 04, 2018
In a collaboration between Aarhus University and the University of Southern Denmark, researchers have discovered a way to subtract a single quantum of light from a laser beam. This work has re ... more
24/7 Nuclear News Coverage
24/7 War News Coverage
24/7 War News Coverage

Mars growth stunted by early giant planetary instability
Norman OK (SPX) May 08, 2018
A University of Oklahoma astrophysics team explains why the growth of Mars was stunted by an orbital instability among the outer solar system's giant planets in a new study on the evolution of the young solar system. The OU study builds on the widely-accepted Nice Model, which invokes a planetary instability to explain many peculiar observed aspects of the outer solar system. An OU m ... more
+ NASA blasts off Mars-bound spaceship, InSight, to study quakes
+ InSight probe to survey Mars for secrets inside the planet
+ One scientist's 30-year quest to get under Mars' skin
+ Early Mars may have been a warm desert with occasional rain
+ NASA's newest Mars lander to study quakes on Red Planet
+ Microbes living in a toxic volcanic lake could hold clues to life on Mars
+ Surviving the Inferno of Entry, Descent and Landing

Take me to the Moon
Bethesda, MD (SPX) May 08, 2018
Last December, President Trump signed the first set of National Space Council recommendations under Space Policy Directive 1. Vice President Pence recently noted that, "We will send American astronauts back to the moon, and after that we will establish the capacity, with international and commercial partners, to send Americans to Mars, and NASA will lead the way." Newly appointed NASA Admi ... more
+ Russian cosmonaut could ride US spacecraft to Moon for first mission
+ NASA expands plans for Moon exploration
+ Lunar Orbital Platform Gateway is First Step Towards Mars - ESA Coordinator
+ US plans own space suits for EVAs instead of Russia's at Lunar Gateway
+ China has technological basis for manned lunar landing
+ Scientists shocked as NASA cuts only moon rover
+ China calls for ideas on design of manned lunar landing
Fresh results from NASA's Galileo spacecraft 20 years on
Greenbelt MD (SPX) May 01, 2018
Far across the solar system, from where Earth appears merely as a pale blue dot, NASA's Galileo spacecraft spent eight years orbiting Jupiter. During that time, the hearty spacecraft - slightly larger than a full-grown giraffe - sent back spates of discoveries on the gas giant's moons, including the observation of a magnetic environment around Ganymede that was distinct from Jupiter's own magnet ... more
+ What do Uranus's cloud tops have in common with rotten eggs?
+ Pluto's Largest Moon, Charon, Gets Its First Official Feature Names
+ Pluto's largest moon, Charon, gets its first official feature names
+ Juno Provides Infrared Tour of Jupiter's North Pole
+ SSL to provide of critical capabilities for Europa Flyby Mission
+ Jupiter's turmoil more than skin deep: researchers
+ New Horizons Chooses Nickname for 'Ultimate' Flyby Target
Atmospheric seasons could signal alien life
Riverside CA (SPX) May 10, 2018
Dozens of potentially habitable planets have been discovered outside our solar system, and many more are awaiting detection. Is anybody - or anything - there? The hunt for life in these places, which are impossible to visit in person, will begin with a search for biological products in their atmospheres. These atmospheric fingerprints of life, called biosignatures, will be detected using n ... more
+ An Exoplanet Atmosphere Free of Clouds
+ Dutch astronomers photograph possible toddler planet by chance
+ The Cheops ccience instrument arrives in Madrid
+ Helium detected in exoplanet atmosphere for the first time
+ Hubble detects helium in the atmosphere of an exoplanet for the first time
+ Researchers simulate conditions inside 'super-Earths'
+ Extreme Environment of Danakil Depression Sheds Light on Mars, Titan
TDM Bridge Builder: Daniel Herman, Solar Electric Propulsion System Lead
Huntsville AL (SPX) May 09, 2018
When it comes to NASA's Solar Electric Propulsion project, Daniel Herman helps lead the charge. As an experienced electric propulsion team lead at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, he was a natural choice for the SEP project's electric propulsion system lead, providing technical oversight for all activities tied to the project - an alternative to using conventional chemical system ... more
+ Reduce, Reuse, Rockets?
+ SpaceX's Dragon cargo ship returns to Earth
+ Return of SpaceX cargo ship delayed by rough seas
+ NASA Science to Return to Earth aboard SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft
+ China developing reusable space rocket
+ Meet the nuclear-powered spaceships of the future
+ Arianespace to launch BSAT-4b; marking the 10th satellite launch for B-SAT

China to Use Soviet Engine to Power Its First Reusable Space Rocket
Moscow (Sputnik) May 07, 2018
China is developing its first space rocket with a reusable first stage that could see its trial launch as early as 2020, SpaceNews reported, citing a senior Chinese rocket designer. Long Lehao of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), revealed the new plans for the Long March 8 medium-lift launcher during a space industry conference in Harbin on April 24. According to ... more
+ Astronauts eye more cooperation on China's space station
+ China unveils underwater astronaut training suit
+ China to launch advanced space cargo transport aircraft in 2019
+ China's Chang'e-4 relay satellite named "Queqiao"
+ China outlines roadmap for deep space exploration
+ Across China: Rocket launch brings back fortune to locals
+ China Space Agency chief says he expects visit by Russia's Roscosmos
Exiled Asteroid Discovered in Outer Reaches of Solar System
Munich, Germany (SPX) May 09, 2018
An international team of astronomers has used ESO telescopes to investigate a relic of the primordial Solar System. The team found that the unusual Kuiper Belt Object 2004 EW95 is a carbon-rich asteroid, the first of its kind to be confirmed in the cold outer reaches of the Solar System. This curious object likely formed in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and has been flung billions o ... more
+ Projectile cannon experiments show how asteroids can deliver water
+ Lyrid meteor shower to peak over the weekend
+ Close Call: Giant Asteroid Flies Through the Earth-Moon Orbit
+ Four Years of NASA NEOWISE Data
+ Trail of glassy beads helps scientists track down missing crater
+ Here, There and Everywhere: Across the Universe with the Beatles
+ A star disturbed the comets of the solar system in prehistory

US Air Force to begin fighter-mounted laser testing this summer
Washington (AFP) March 19, 2018
The US Air Force will this summer begin testing a laser that will be mounted on an F-15 warplane, an official said Monday. The Pentagon last year awarded a $26 million contract to Lockheed Martin for a laser program called SHiELD (Self-protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator.) The idea is to put a laser system on aircraft with an output of about 50 kilowatts to test their ability to zap ... more
+ Navy taps Northrop Grumman for laser weapon system
+ Lockheed Martin awarded first part of billion dollar laser weapons deal
+ Navy orders laser weapon systems from Lockheed Martin
Aerojet completes hot fire propulsion test for redesigned Kill Vehicle
Sacramento CA (SPX) May 08, 2018
Aerojet Rocketdyne, a subsidiary of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc., announced that in collaboration with The Boeing Company and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, its Divert and Attitude Control System (DACS) Center Manifold for the Missile Defense Agency's Redesigned Kill Vehicle (RKV) successfully completed hot fire altitude testing. The RKV program is an integral part of the Ground-bas ... more
+ Israel missiles hit Syria military bases: state media
+ Lockheed tapped for additional THAAD interceptors
+ Fourth US Air Force SBIRS satellite sends first images back to Earth
+ Saudi Arabia downs four Yemeni rebel missiles: coalition
+ Saudis down new missile from Yemen rebels: state media
+ Saudis intercept ballistic missile from Yemen: coalition
+ Raytheon tapped for Air and Missile Defense Radar Program

Titan topographic map unearths cookie-cutter holes in moon's surface
Ithaca NY (SPX) Jan 19, 2018
Using the now-complete Cassini data set, Cornell University astronomers have created a new global topographic map of Saturn's moon Titan that has opened new windows into understanding its liquid flows and terrain. Two papers, recently published in Geophysical Review Letters, describe the map and discoveries arising from it. Creating the map took about a year, according to doctoral student ... more
+ Cassini finds Titan has 'sea level' like Earth
+ Giant Storms Cause Palpitations in Saturn's Atmospheric Heartbeat
+ Electrical and Chemical Coupling Between Saturn and Its Ring
+ Unique atmospheric chemistry explains cold vortex on Saturn's moon Titan
+ Cassini Image Mosaic: A Farewell to Saturn
+ Unexpected atmospheric vortex behavior on Saturn's moon Titan
A new Bose-Einstein condensate created at Aalto University
Helsinki, Finland (SPX) Apr 22, 2018
Nearly a hundred years ago, Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose predicted that quantum mechanics can force a large number of particles to behave in concert as if they were only a single particle. The phenomenon is called Bose-Einstein condensation, and it took until 1995 to create the first such condensate of a gas of alkali atoms. Although Bose-Einstein condensation has been observed ... more
+ Course set to overcome mismatch between lab-designed nanomaterials and nature's complexity
+ This 2-D nanosheet expands like a Grow Monster
+ Robot developed for automated assembly of designer nanomaterials
+ A treasure trove for nanotechnology experts
+ UCLA researchers develop a new class of two-dimensional materials
+ Nanostructures made of previously impossible material
+ Mining hardware helps scientists gain insight into silicon nanoparticles

Searching for Continuous Gravitational Waves
Hannover, Germany (SPX) Apr 13, 2018
A permanent Max Planck Independent Research Group under the leadership of Dr. M. Alessandra Papa has been established at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute; AEI) in Hannover. The primary goal of the research group "Searching for Continuous Gravitational Waves" is to make the first direct detection of gravitational waves from rapidly rotating neutr ... more
+ Feature: Every second counts to trace a gravitational wave
+ Astronomers discover galaxies spin like clockwork
+ New method enables high-resolution measurements of magnetism
+ ESA Creates Quietest Place In Space
+ Bursting with Excitement - A Look at Bubbles and Fluids in Space
+ NASA Technology to Help Locate Electromagnetic Counterparts of Gravitational Waves
+ Transportable optical clock used to measure gravitation for the first time
Construction Begins on SuperCDMS Dark Matter Experiment
Menlo Park CA (SPX) May 08, 2018
The SuperCDMS SNOLAB project, a multi-institutional effort led by SLAC, is expanding the hunt for dark matter to particles with properties not accessible to any other experiment. The U.S. Department of Energy has approved funding and start of construction for the SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment, which will begin operations in the early 2020s to hunt for hypothetical dark matter particles calle ... more
+ The big bell test challenges Einstein
+ Laser-driven electron recollision remembers molecular orbital structure
+ Long-distance relationships of particles: Electron-hole pairs in two-dimensional crystals
+ Milky Way's supermassive black hole may have 'unseen' siblings
+ Taming The Multiverse: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory About The Big Bang
+ Toy-inspired experiment on behavior of quantum systems
+ Yale physicists find signs of a time crystal

Google pitches artificial intelligence to help unplug
Mountain View, United States (AFP) May 9, 2018
Google unveiled Tuesday an artificial intelligence tool capable of handling routine tasks - such as making restaurant bookings - as a way to help people disconnect from their smartphone screens. Kicking off the tech giant's annual developers conference, Google chief executive Sundar Pichai argued that its AI-powered digital assistant had the potential to free people from everyday chores. ... more
+ First robotic system plays tic tac toe to improve task performance
+ Researchers selected to develop novel approaches to lifelong machine learning
+ NASA's swarmathon improves student skills in robotics, computer science
+ Interview with a robot: AI revolution hits human resources
+ Transparent eel-like soft robot can swim silently underwater
+ For heavy lifting, use exoskeletons with caution
+ Face recognition for galaxies: Artificial intelligence brings new tools to astronomy
Raytheon tapped for upgrades on Gray Eagle drones
Washington (UPI) May 7, 2018
Raytheon has been awarded a contract by the U.S. Navy for common sensor payloads for the U.S. Army's MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned aircraft system. The deal, announced Friday by the Department of Defense, is valued at more than $28.5 million under the terms of a firm-fixed-price, definitive contract. The contract award by the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division enables Raythe ... more
+ Talking UAS market trends with NSR analyst Gagan Agrawal
+ Lockheed announces first US customer for universal unmanned vehicle control station
+ Lockheed Martin small Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial System upgraded with high resolution thermal imaging capability
+ Air Force contracts for Reaper drone services
+ Pentagon cancels $89.4M X-Plane UAV program
+ Army taps AeroVironment for Switchblade missiles
+ US to drop curbs on drone tech to boost arms sales
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